Claim To Fame Episode 6 Review

After an ever shocking elimination last week, Adam is somehow still around.. we only have 5 people left!!!
We are back with the investigation board!
Hud wins round 1! And we got a Superman clue.. the original Superman got helped in this movie… so this is an old guy
Shane wins round 2! And gets a clue pertaining to McKenzie we think….
McKenzie wins round 3! And gets a very helpful clue…
Adam wins round 4!
And hud wins round 5! He wins the game with 2 wins!
Hud gets a clue… and the house is turning on Adam!
Danny gets voted and he goes for McKenzie… and guesses WRONG he said Blake Shelton… I CALLED TRACE ADKINS! It’s Trace Adkins who is McKenzies relative
But Danny is indeed related to Marc Anthony! Famous singer! Marc Anthony is his uncle, a lot of aunt uncle relatives this year