Cobra Kai Overall Review

So I just finished cobra Kai in its entirety and I gotta say it was an amazing show. All 6 seasons hit with me and honestly I thought this franchise was dead after the Hillary swank movie. But they revived it and made it an amazing show with pretty much everybody who was alive coming back.
Macchio and Zabka carry it while Martin Kove brings back his evil ways. And that brings me to Thomas Ian Griffith…. The man I hated (and not in a good way) after karate kid 3, terrible villain, but he upped his game in cobra Kai and became a villain you love to hate.
The kids In the show from Miguel to Tori to Robbie to Sam and all the others, I enjoyed all of their story arcs.
The larusso/Lawrence story is also amazing. And the final 2 episodes were great (if you know what I’m talking about in the second to last episode, that finale was mind blowing) and this is a bit of a spoiler but larusso putting on cobra Kai gi? Never would I have imagined.
Next up is the movie in may. I’m happy to see in theaters because I never got to see a karate kid movie in theaters. But after that. It’s time to put this franchise to bed… but just remember… Cobra Kai… NEVER DIES!!!!